The word Trainer has a lot of different meanings. Some can refer it to a classroom trainer, while others can relate to it in a completely another manner. But, nowadays, Trainers are not just limited to a classroom, business enterprise or a poolside, rather, with E-learning becoming so much popular, the scope has expanded and that too a lot. Though not everyone is born with skills required to be a trainer and for that Train, The Trainer (TTT) course is the best choice. Just as the name says, ‘ Train the trainer ’ course is a structured model which is created in order to offer training to less experienced instructors who have a potential of becoming a better version of themselves. So, today we will learn as to how someone can boost their career as a Trainer or Instructor by joining a TTT course. What is the importance of TTT programs? If you are working on a senior post in an organisation or are running a business on your own, then you most probably have the knowledge of the...